Swimmers’, Parents’, and Coaches’ Grievance Policy
The Gulliver Swim Team Grievance Procedure provides swimmers, parents, coaches, club leaders, and employees a system to address and report grievances in a productive, systematic way. Following these Procedures provides the appropriate parties a means to properly investigate, intervene, and take disciplinary action when needed.
For issues dealing with sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and/or sexually explicit or inappropriate communication through social media:
- U.S. Center for SafeSport: 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233) or https://safesport.i-sight.com/portal
For issues dealing with physical abuse, emotional abuse, criminal charges and the use, sale or distribution of illegal drugs:
- USA Swimming Safe Sport: safesport@usaswimming.org or https://fs22.formsite.com/usaswimming/form10/index.html
For issues dealing with known or suspected child abuse:
- Florida Department of Children and Families (800)962-2873
For issues dealing with peer-to-peer bullying, coach-athlete bullying, parent issues, violations of the Gulliver Swim Team Code of Conduct, and violations of the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy.
These issues are handled at the club level following the procedures outlined below. Coaches’ responsibilities include:
1. Assessing the behavior of swimmers as dictated by the GulliverSwim Team Code of Conduct and all published policies and procedures.
2. Issuing disciplinary action for any swimmer that is determined to have violated that Code of Conduct or any published policy/procedure.
3. All disciplinary action is at the head coach’s discretion, and will be issued regarding:
a. Nature of the misconduct
b. Severity of the misconduct
c. Prior disciplinary actions against swimmer
d. Adverse effect of the misconduct on other swimmers
e. Application of the Code of Conduct
4. All Coaches are authorized to take immediate disciplinary action, if appropriate and necessary under the circumstances, to ensure the safety of all swimmers.
Categories of Complaints:
1. Conduct of a Swimmer
2. Conduct of an Assistant Coach
3. Conduct of the Head Coach
3. Conduct of a Parent
Registering a Grievance:
1. Conduct of a Swimmer - Should a parent/swimmer feel another swimmer’s conduct is inappropriate or violates the Athlete Code of Conduct, the parent/swimmer should discuss these concerns with the coach responsible for the swimmer responsible for the possible violation. This complaint should be made in person or in writing.
2. Conduct of an Assistant Coach – Should a parent or swimmer feel an Assistant Coach’s conduct is inappropriate or in violation of any team policies or procedures, the parent/swimmer should notify the Head Coach of this violation. This complaint should be made in person or in writing.
3. Conduct of the Head Coach – Should a parent or swimmer feel the Head Coach’s conduct is inappropriate or violates any team policies or procedures, the parent/swimmer should notify the Athletic Director of the Gulliver Prep School. This complaint should be made in person or in writing.
4. Conduct of a Parent – Should any person feel a parent is acting in an inappropriate way or violates any team policies or procedures, the parent/swimmer should notify the Head Coach of this violation. The complaint should be made in person or in writing.
Grievance Procedure:
1. After an initial conduct review, any disciplinary action will be the responsibility of the Head Coach. A decision, and/or disciplinary action, will be issued as soon as reasonably possible.
a. If the parent/swimmer registering the complaint feels the Head Coach’s disciplinary action is insufficient or unsatisfactorily resolves the issue, the parent/swimmer may appeal the decision to the Head Coach in writing within 7 days of the initial complaint. A decision, and/or disciplinary action, will be issued by the Head Coach as soon as reasonably possible. Failure of the Head Coach to address the parent/swimmer concerns in a timely manner is a basis for requesting an appeal.
b. If the parent/swimmer registering the complaint appeals to the Head Coach and feels his decision/disciplinary action is insufficient or unsatisfactorily resolves the issue, the parent/swimmer may appeal to the Athletic Director of the Gulliver Prep School.
c. The decision of the Athletic Director of Gulliver Prep School regarding any complaint, and any resulting disciplinary action, is final.